
Our Camden DWI Lawyers Visit Adventure Aquarium

By Evan Levow
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When our Camden DWI lawyers have downtime, we like to take advantage of the variety of cultural and educational experiences Southern New Jersey has to offer. We recently brought our families on a day trip to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, where we viewed and learned about a wide range of aquatic life in the aquarium's two million gallons of water. If you're looking for a fun and educational trip the whole family can enjoy, we highly recommend taking a trip to one of the East Coast's most revered aquariums.

Piranha Falls

During our visit, the aquarium was hosting an exhibit on the piranhas of the Amazon. We were lucky enough to watch as a school of 120 red-bellied piranhas swam below two gorgeous waterfalls. The aquarium even ran a weather simulation which allowed us to see, hear, and feel the weather changing as an intense rainstorm developed. Witnessing these dangerous but beautiful creatures in person was definitely one of the highlights of our trip.

Close Encounters With Aquatic Life

The aquarium also offers behind-the-scenes encounters with some of their wildlife at an extra charge. We decided to participate in the shark and ray in-water encounter. That might make us sound crazy, but the encounter is with sandbar and sand tiger sharks - two species that are known to be docile and with no history of attacking humans. This experience also featured a swim and feeding of dozens of peaceful stingrays - truly an experience we'll never forget!

Hippo Haven

After swimming with the sharks and rays, we made our way to the aquarium's hippopotamus exhibit. We watched through glass as Nile hippos Button and Genny kicked their powerful legs and swam through the water and learned about the hippos' environment and way of life. You can expect to come face-to-face with these majestic creatures, as you'll witness them both above and below water from just inches away, separated by a glass panel.


If you're visiting with younger children, the KidZone is a great way for them to learn about aquatic life through interactive activities and exhibits. This attraction also allows children to touch some aquatic animals.

Ocean Realm

The Ocean Realm is a must-see during any visit to the Adventure Aquarium. This massive 760,000-gallon tank is the width of two movie theater screens, allowing you to get a close look at a wide range of aquatic species. We spotted southern stingrays, blue runners, silky sharks, and hammerhead sharks during our visit - just to name a few.

Little Blue Beach

We finished our day with a delightful experience at Little Blue Beach. This exhibit simulates an Austrailian beach and features the smallest species of penguins in the world. Native to Austrailia and New Zealand, the Little Blues are a joy to watch swim through pristine underwater views. Like the other exhibits, Little Blue Beach also offers top-notch educational value, with a detailed look at how Little Blues live, why they're different from other penguins, and how they live in harmony with humans.

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Evan Levow - instructor of field sobrietyState V. Chun Button
(877) 735-2288
Evan Levow
Date Published: October 30, 2017
Evan Levow is the managing partner of Levow DWI Law, P.C., which is a Tier 1 DUI/DWI Best Law Firm. Evan Levow has argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court on landmark DWI breath testing cases such as State vs. Chun. He is also the President Emeritus of the 600 member DUI Defense Lawyers Association.
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