
Celebrity DUI / DWI Round Up - February 2016

By Evan Levow
 on 0303/2828/16161616
 in the category:
drunkard sign

The Celebrity DUI / DWI Round Up is a monthly recap that highlights the stories of celebrities who’ve recently been featured in the news after being arrested on DUI / DWI charges.

However, the point of this article is not just to recap the stories of celebrities who’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, but more importantly, to highlight the legal options available to celebrities (and everyone else) after a DUI arrest.

While some people know to turn to a qualified DUI defense attorney after being arrested on DUI charges, others decide to simply plead guilty and accept the full consequences of a conviction without exploring all of their legal options.

At Levow DWI Law, P.C., our experienced DUI defense attorneys have successfully defended the rights of many celebrities and other individuals who were arrested on suspicion of drunk driving or driving under the influence of a controlled substance.

Our dedication to protecting our clients’ rights to privacy means that you will not see them in any of these round ups, and even if one of our clients did find themselves in the spotlight, our years of experience allows us to handle the situation in the best possible manner.

With that being said, here is the list of celebrities arrested for driving under the influence last month.

Celebs Arrested For Driving Under The Influence In February

This month’s DUI round up list features several celebrities including a UFC fighter, former NFL linebacker, and an actor in the recently released movie Sicario.

UFC Star Jason “Mayhem” Miller Arrested For DUI In Irvine, CA

UFC star Jason “Mayhem” Miller was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in early February after law enforcement officers responded to a tip in Irvine, California.

According to reports, Miller was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after allegedly failing several field sobriety tests administered by the responding law enforcement officers at the scene.

The 37-year-old UFC fighter is planning to return to the ring to fight for Italian-based club Venator FC, after a four year hiatus out of the ring.

Former NFL Star Keith Bulluck Cited For DUI In Nashville, TN

Former Tennessee Titans’ linebacker Keith Bulluck was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in February after crashing his car on a highway in Nashville, Tennessee.

Nashville police say that they responded to a single-vehicle accident on Interstate 65 around 3am where Bulluck had apparently crashed his vehicle into a light pole.

Upon arriving at the scene of the accident, police encountered Bulluck who allegedly had a “distinct smell of an alcoholic beverage” and reportedly admitted to consuming alcohol at a bar earlier in the night.

Police say that Bullock refused to submit to a blood test after allegedly failing a field sobriety test at the scene.

Bulluck was then arrested on one count of DUI and one count of violating Tennessee’s implied consent law.

Sicario Actor Bernardo Saracino Arrested On DUI Charges In L.A.

Actor Bernardo Saracino, who plays a Mexican drug lord in the recently released film Sicario, was recently arrested for suspicion of DUI after leading police officers on a medium-speed chase in Los Angeles, CA.

According to reports, law enforcement officers attempted to pull over Saracino after noticing his vehicle swerving on an LA freeway at approximately 3:00am.

However, the actor apparently refused to pull over, leading police on a chase that lasted about 10 minutes and covered three different highways.

The Sicario star eventually pulled over and complied with the law enforcement officers at the scene. Saracino was ultimately arrested on charges of DUI and evading police.

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Evan Levow - instructor of field sobrietyState V. Chun Button
(877) 735-2288
Evan Levow
Date Published: March 28, 2016
Evan Levow is the managing partner of Levow DWI Law, P.C., which is a Tier 1 DUI/DWI Best Law Firm. Evan Levow has argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court on landmark DWI breath testing cases such as State vs. Chun. He is also the President Emeritus of the 600 member DUI Defense Lawyers Association.
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