This article is sponsored by the DWI defense lawyers in Ramblewood, New Jersey from Levow DWI Law, P.C..
Ramblewood is known as an unincorporated community within Mount Laurel Township in New Jersey. The estimated population was last reported as 5,907 by the United States Census in 2010. The total area of Ramblewood is 3.386 square miles of both land and water.
Statistics from the United States Census of 2010 share that there was an estimated population mentioned above of 5,907 people, 2,246 households, and 1,532 families in Ramblewood. The population density of the area was 1,752 per square mile and the average housing units had an average density of 708.3 per square mile.
The racial diversity statistics of the Ramblewood community are composed of the following percentages:
Of the 2,246 households within the community, 30.8% had children 18 years and younger, 55.9% were made up of married couples, 8.8% were single female householders, 31.8% had people in the house that were not related.
Let's compare how the statistics have changed from the previous decade in 2000.
The population had an increase with 6,003 people, 2,306 households and 1,568 families within Ramblewood. The population density was 1,771 pe square mile, fairly close to the more recent statistics in 2010.
The racial diversity of Ramblewood was made up of the following stats with slight differences in percentages as followed:
The median income for a household in 2000 was about $71,230 with the family median income being slightly more at $76, 519.
To continue learning about the neighboring communities around our Cherry Hill law office, visit our next article on: The History of Camden, NJ
If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, you face mandatory license suspension, possible jail time, and at least $6,575 in fines and surcharges if convicted. Contact our experienced Ramblewood, New Jersey, DWI defense lawyers to help fight for your rights.
Levow DWI Law, P.C.
1415 Marlton Pike East #400
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, USA
(856) 428-5055