

Bridgeton DWI Lawyer

At Levow DWI Law, P.C., we limit ourselves to representing motorists who are facing DWI and DUI-related matters in New Jersey. We are a group of skilled, tough defense attorneys who have more than 40 years of combined experience handling these types of cases, ranging from DWI to Refusal to Submit to Testing.

As aggressive advocates for our clients, we’re not here to hold your hand and advise you to simply plead guilty to your charges. Rather, we are here to mount the strongest defense possible on your behalf. We will not stop exploring all options and arguments in your defense until you tell us to stop. You, the client, are in control of your case, and only you can make the decision about how to proceed. We will defend you until all options have been exhausted.

We know the people in the Bridgeton City court who will be dealing with your case. More importantly, they know us, and they know that we will be there to aggressively and appropriately defend you.

Accomplished Bridgeton DUI Attorney

Evan Levow has been involved in the most important court cases in New Jersey history regarding DUI and DUI-related matters.

He represented the lead defendant in State v. Chun, which set the standard for DWI prosecution and defense in the State, and had implications on a national level. The New Jersey Supreme Court decision led to reforms in DWI breath testing.

Likewise, Mr. Levow represented defendants in the court cases of State v. Kent and State v. Renshaw, which brought about fundamental changes in how blood-testing evidence must be presented by the state through witnesses at trial.

With this type of legal acumen on your side, combating the prosecutor’s assertions is more feasible in your case.

Obtain Counsel Before Arraignment

Swift legal action is beneficial after you’re charged with impaired driving in New Jersey. You will be required to appear in court only a few days following your arrest, so timeliness in arranging for competent legal representation is important.

When you retain Levow DWI Law, P.C., we will immediately petition the court to waive your appearance at the initial hearing and enter a not-guilty plea on your behalf. By doing so, we can begin building a strong defense for you right away, by gathering information, evaluating the state’s evidence against you, and setting forth your options for handling your DUI charges.

Lawyers With Advanced Training In Field Sobriety Testing

Our defense attorneys have received training in field sobriety testing from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which is the same government agency that trains law enforcement officials how to administer field sobriety tests.

Furthermore, Mr. Levow is qualified as an instructor by the NHTSA, which enables him to train lawyers, judges and police officers to properly administer these tests. Since all of our litigators are trained by the NHTSA, Levow DWI Law, P.C. has acute knowledge about the administration of field sobriety tests, as well as their potential weaknesses and defects in the state’s case against you. This puts our attorneys in position to cast doubt on the prosecutor’s case when deficiencies are evident in your roadside test results.

Levow DWI Law, P.C.’s Blood & Breath Testing Qualifications

Due to his extensive training in blood and breath testing, Mr. Levow regularly speaks on these issues before large groups of attorneys nationwide.

All Levow DWI Law, P.C. attorneys attend advanced courses and training seminars in blood and breath testing on a continual basis so as to enhance our abilities to effectively represent motorists.

Mr. Levow remains the only DWI lawyer in the state of New Jersey who owns both the Breathalyzer and the Draeger Alcotest 7110, which are the breath-testing machines that have been used by New Jersey law enforcement in DUI cases. This allows our lawyers to better understand the flaws of the breath-testing machines, as well as better defend clients in cases resting on breath-test results.

Schedule A Free Consultation With New Jersey’s Leading Defense Attorneys

Contact the lawyers at Levow DWI Law, P.C. now at 1-844-326-4613, and let us help defend you against DUI and DUI-related charges. Your consultation is at no cost, and no obligation.

Bridgeton Municipal Court Information

Our attorneys represent clients in the following court:

Bridgeton Municipal Court
330 Fayette Street
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
(856) 451-7565

Judge: Steven S. Neder, J.M.C.
Court Administrator: Marie Wells
Prosecutor: Christen D’Arrigo

(877) 735-2288
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(877) 735-2288
Courthouse in Bridgeton, New Jersey
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(856) 428-5055
A New Jersey DWI Law Firm.
1415 Marlton Pike East, #400
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
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"GO WITH EVAN! Evan got my DWI dropped completely. It still amazes me how he was able to do so, considering my personal circumstance. But if you are considering Levow DWI Law go with them."
Levow DWI Law, P.C. Reviewed by KL on Jan 6
*Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★
Copyright 2021 Levow DWI Law, P.C. This website is to be considered as attorney advertising. Use of this website does not form an attorney-client relationship. Our headquarters is in Cherry Hill, NJ. All other offices are by appointment only.
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