
Cherry Hill

Cherry Hill DWI Attorney

The attorneys of Levow DWI Law, P.C. focus their practice almost exclusively on DUI and related cases, including refusal to submit to field sobriety and chemical tests.

With 40 years of combined experience in practicing DWI law, our clients get a defense team that is nearly unparalleled in Cherry Hill.

Cherry Hill’s Most Aggressive Defense Team

Our lawyers will provide you with aggressive representation in your DUI case. We focus on investigating all aspects of your alleged offense, evaluating the state’s charges and evidence against you, and setting forth all of the options that may be available to you.

While we will always be there to make recommendations to you that, based on our experience and skills, are in your best interest, it will be up to you to decide the extent to which we continue to fight on your behalf. In other words, we will pursue all avenues to resolve your case favorably, and continue to fight for your rights until all appeals are exhausted, so long as you wish us to continue fighting on your behalf. Whether it takes days, months, or years, we will not quit defending you until you tell us to quit.

We know the judges and prosecutors in the Cherry Hill Township court that will handle your case. And more important, they know us. They know that we will aggressively defend your interests.

Swift Legal Action After A Cherry Hill DUI Arrest

An initial court appearance will be scheduled quickly after you are charged with impaired driving in New Jersey. It is often beneficial to rapidly and definitively enlist the help of an experienced defense lawyer to combat the charges against you.

Just a few days following your arrest, you will be expected to make an initial appearance in court and enter a plea to the pending charges. With Levow DWI Law, P.C. on your side, however, you can have your appearance at this initial court hearing waived and your plea entered, all without setting foot inside a courtroom.

We will then proceed to the discovery stage and enlist the expert services of a former state trooper to examine the evidence, which will help us determine which motions to file in your defense. A majority of our clients achieve a favorable result during discovery, resulting in a satisfactory conclusion without ever going to trial.

Evan Levow Helped Shape New Jersey’s Laws

Not only do the Cherry Hill attorneys of Levow DWI Law, P.C. focus their practice on New Jersey DUI defense, but they also have been a part of evolving laws in the state.

Evan Levow represented the lead defendant in State v. Chun, a landmark New Jersey Supreme Court case that dealt with breath tests in DUI cases, and had implications not just for the state of New Jersey, but for courts nationwide. The case set the standard for New Jersey defense, after the state switched from the Breathalyzer to the Alcotest breath-test device.

Mr. Levow also represented clients in the court cases of State v. Kent and State v. Renshaw, which transformed DUI laws in terms of introducing blood-testing evidence through the use of witness testimony. These cases help safeguard a defendant’s constitutional right to confront witnesses against them at trial.

By immersing themselves in the development of New Jersey’s drunk driving laws, Levow DWI Law, P.C. occupies a unique position from which to better represent clients in all types of DUI and DUI-related cases.

A DUI Lawyer Trained in Advanced Breath Testing

The attorneys of Levow DWI Law, P.C. undergo specialized training in breath testing, so that we understand the intimate details of how breath-test machines operate, including their weaknesses, flaws, limitations, and potential for errors.

Furthermore, Mr. Levow owns the two types of breath-test machines that have been used by law enforcement in the state of New Jersey, so as to better acclimate our litigators to their inner workings.

This willingness to go the extra mile in order to better represent clients in DUI cases is precisely the type of characteristic that places our firm at the forefront of DWI defense in New Jersey. We provide the most effective, knowledgeable, and experienced representation of motorists charged with DUI and related offenses.

Your Cherry Hill DWI Attorneys Have Advanced Field Sobriety Test Training

All Levow DWI Law, P.C. attorneys have taken the intensive training offered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in field sobriety testing.

Mr. Levow is an NHTSA instructor of field sobriety testing protocols, which qualifies him to teach law enforcement officials, other lawyers, and judges how to properly utilize and administer these diagnostic tools in cases.

With this type of in-depth knowledge, unique to Levow DWI Law, P.C., you will find that our lawyers can adeptly defend against your charges.

Contact our Cherry Hill defense lawyers now at 1-844-735-2288, and let us help defend you.

Cherry Hill Municipal Court Information

We represent drivers charged with DUI in the following court:

Cherry Hill Municipal Court
820 Mercer Street
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
(856) 488-7850

Judges: Jeffrey Karl, J.M.C., Daniel Bernardin, J.M.C., and Charles Shimberg, J.M.C.
Court Administrator: Frances Blaum-Naughton
Chief Prosecutor: Judy Charny
Assistant Prosecutors: Sheila Ellington, William Groble, Moly Hung, and Allison Wienroth-Shaw

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(856) 428-5055
A New Jersey DWI Law Firm.
1415 Marlton Pike East, #400
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
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"GO WITH EVAN! Evan got my DWI dropped completely. It still amazes me how he was able to do so, considering my personal circumstance. But if you are considering Levow DWI Law go with them."
Levow DWI Law, P.C. Reviewed by KL on Jan 6
*Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★
Copyright 2021 Levow DWI Law, P.C. This website is to be considered as attorney advertising. Use of this website does not form an attorney-client relationship. Our headquarters is in Cherry Hill, NJ. All other offices are by appointment only.
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