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Levow DWI Law, P.C.
274 E Front St #303
Trenton NJ 08629
You have been charged with a DWI and now you are wondering if contacting an attorney is worth your time. The answer is yes. An experienced DWI attorney can help you fight the charges against you. In fact, experienced DWI lawyer Evan Levow has helped thousands of New Jersey drivers just like you. DWI defense cases are the only type of case that Mr. Levow takes on, and he has dedicated his professional career to making sure he is well versed in both the law and the science behind New Jersey DWI.
Mr. Levow knows where common mistakes are made before, during, and after a DWI arrest, mistakes that could result in a complete dismissal of a client’s DWI charge. He reviews every aspect of each case and builds a custom defense for each client. You are not “just another case” to Mr. Levow. Evan Levow is known throughout the state and the country as an extremely aggressive DWI trial attorney. He is unrelenting when defending his clients. It is important to contact Levow DWI Law, P.C. as quickly as possible so that our legal team can get started on your case, right away. In many cases, you will be asked to appear before a judge in a matter of days.
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Penalties for a DWI in New Jersey can be harsh. At Levow DWI Law, P.C., we have a proven track record in getting DWI penalties reduced and DWI cases even fully dismissed.
There are significant consequences to a DWI conviction in New Jersey. With the help of an experienced DWI attorney, you will not have to face them alone.
If found guilty of a first offense, the following penalties may apply:
Under the law for a second offense, a driver may face:
If found guilty of a 3rd offense, the following penalties may apply:
For each offense, thousands of dollars in fines will apply, ranging between $6,800 and $15,800. Additionally, any alcohol awareness classes and interlock ignition devices that are installed must be paid for by you. By working with a New Jersey DWI lawyer who is exclusively devoted to DWI law, these penalties may be reduced significantly or your charges completely dismissed. Read more about how our law firm has helped former clients on our testimonials page.
Did you know that police officers are required to follow precise rules when initiating a stop and arresting a driver for a DWI? If a mistake is made at any point, that mistake could cause the court to dismiss the case entirely. However, it can be difficult to discover a mistake without the assistance of an experienced DWI lawyer. Common mistakes made by police officers include:
These are just a few examples of mistakes that could apply to your DWI case. Contact us today so that our DWI attorneys can review your case and work to find any mistakes that were made in your stop and/or your arrest.
Even if you have submitted to a breath, blood, or urine test, it is still possible to fight your DWI charge. Mr. Levow has spent decades fighting DWI charges and he is very familiar with the science behind each type of test. For example, did you know that there are many errors that can occur in blood testing from improper collection to improper storage? Or that there is a correct and incorrect way to handle blood? Mr. Levow has been able to have chemical testing suppressed for breath, blood, and urine testing, due to uncovering numerous errors and improper testing procedures. It is important to act quickly and call our law office as soon as possible because your case may be before a judge within 60 days.